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Prospective Lawyer Tips

August 3, 2015 Hastings and Hastings

Almost every year, students enroll in undergraduate studies in hopes of becoming a respectable attorney someday. It can be a daunting task to begin climbing to the summit of education’s ivory tower, but armed with a few simple tips, the quest should be far from daunting.

What’s your major?

This is a famous line from Goodwill Hunting. But it is also a legitimate concern for all undergraduates. The answer is clear as day: anything (except pre-law). It has been shown that pre-law students score lower on the Law School Admissions Test (LSAT) than any other major. Statistically, classical (Latin and Greek, English, Chemistry, Physics, and Philosophy) majors score the highest on the test, most likely because these majors teach close reading and analytical reasoning. It’s worth noting that Science majors are given a GPA boost by Law School Admissions Council and they can sit for the patent bar later down the road. 

Taking the LSAT

The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is the most important component of your application. It is equivalent to an SAT. However, the test is learnable and scores can be increased. Some claim they have jumped from the 50th percentile to 99th percentile just by studying. 

Choosing a School

After taking the LSAT you should assess what your options are for school. Schools can generally be broken up into three categories: third tier, regional schools, and ivy leagues. Third tier schools cost as much as an Ivy League education but yield far inferior job prospects out of law school. The matriculates of these schools tend to score low on the LSAT. Next option is your regional university which will allow you to pretty much do whatever you want within the confines of your state. Lastly, the Ivy’s offer the unique opportunity to practice Big Law (as it’s referred to by the community) where starting salaries clock in around $160,000 per year.