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Tips For Sharing The Road Safely With 18-Wheelers And Large Trucks

November 6, 2014 Hastings and Hastings

Tips For Sharing The Road Safely With 18-Wheelers And Large Trucks

Statistically speaking, 18-wheelers and large heavy trucks account for a large portion of serious and fatal accidents each and every year across the country. As such, it is worth considering a few important tips that make sharing of the road with 18-wheelers and large trucks safer and more manageable. Perhaps one of the most important considerations when driving a passenger car is an 18-wheeler may not be able to see a vehicle when they change lanes.

A Tremendous Amount Of Mass

Keeping this simple fact in mind it is clear to see that avoiding driving for any length of time in the blind spot of an 18-wheeler can greatly reduce the chances of being involved in a dangerous or life-threatening collision. Another important concern with regard to operating on roads were 18-wheelers and semi-trucks are also operating is to provide plenty of buffer or space between a passenger vehicle and a truck. This is a critical concern simply due to the fact that a large 18-wheeler type truck has a tremendous amount of mass that requires a considerable stopping distance.

Trucks Are Indeed So Massive

When driving in front of an 18-wheeler the operators of passenger vehicles would be well advised to stay as far ahead as possible as a way to maintain the highest levels of safety. Because trucks are indeed so massive they can strike a passenger vehicle with incredible force. This has resulted in many catastrophic injuries and fatal loss of life accidents over the years. Always give 18-wheeler trucks and other large heavy trucks ample space when sharing the road.

The Risk Of Being Involved In Some Type Of Catastrophic Accident

As with driving ahead of a truck it is also important to be cautious when driving behind a truck. In short, operators of passenger vehicles should always avoid tailgating an 18-wheeler or semi-truck. One of the biggest considerations in this regard is the area directly behind an 18-wheeler truck is one of the many blind spots a driver simply cannot see from the truck’s cab. By considering these important safety tips, operators of passenger vehicles can greatly lower the risk of being involved in some type of catastrophic accident with an 18-wheeler truck. Contact Hastings & Hastings to learn more about focused personal injury attorney assistance in Phoenix Arizona.