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Glendale Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Arizona’s warm, dry climate, diverse landscapes, delicious foods, and iconic routes such as Route 66 with sections of the original road still intact, make the state a motorcycle dream destination. It’s also an ideal climate for using a motorcycle for short daily commutes to work or school. Unfortunately, the same open-air design that makes motorcycle rides so exhilarating also makes riders particularly vulnerable to serious injuries in an accident. In 2021, there were 2,594 motorcycle accidents in Arizona, resulting in 2,052 injuries and 160 fatalities.

Many motorcycle accidents occur due to the negligence or recklessness of vehicles sharing the road with motorcyclists. A Phoenix personal injury lawyer is ready to help. If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident in Arizona through the fault of another party, you deserve compensation for the resulting economic and non-economic damages. The Glendale law firm of Hastings & Hastings can help maximize your chance of recovering a full payout on your motorcycle accident claim. Call or contact our local office for a free case review.

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Arizona

A motorcycle’s smaller profile makes them more difficult for car and truck drivers to see, but for that reason, drivers owe an extra duty of care to remain alert for the presence of motorcycles on the road and to practice extra caution when sharing the roadway with bikers. Some common causes of motorcycle accidents in Arizona include the following:

  • Failure of drivers to double-check their blind spots while changing lanes
  • Car door collisions, caused by drivers opening the door of their parked car without checking for approaching motorcycles
  • Reckless driving behaviors from other drivers, such as speeding, distracted driving, or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  • Failure by drivers to leave enough following distance when driving behind a motorcycle
  • Lane-splitting, or the illegal practice of driving a motorcycle between lanes of traffic

Motorcycle accidents are almost always traumatic, but they are even more distressing when the negligence or recklessness of another driver causes the accident. If your accident was the fault of another driver’s actions, they are liable for compensating you for the damages you suffer as a result.

What Damages Are Available for a Motorcycle Accident?

The Arizona court system considers the economic costs and non-economic suffering caused by an accident as damages. If someone else was at fault for your motorcycle accident and you’ve suffered damages, that person’s insurance company must pay out on your damages claim. Damages available for motorcycle accident claims include the following:

  • Medical costs and future medical costs
  • Lost earnings and any future lost earnings for ongoing medical treatments and care
  • Lost wages and future lost earnings
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional anguish
  • Loss of consortium (the ability to enjoy relationships including a loving and physical relationship with a romantic partner or the supporting and care of children)
  • Scarring or disfigurement

While monetary compensation cannot undo an injury, it can aid recovery by funding the best medical care and relieving financial burdens while you heal.

Why Choose Us for Your Glendale Motorcycle Accident Lawyer?

When you’ve been injured, you may need legal help from a personal injury lawyer. Hastings & Hastings PC has offices in Glendale and throughout the valley. Our team of accident attorneys has decades of experience in accident claims, including motorcycle accident cases, with a high reputation for success. We handle our personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis with free evaluations so you owe nothing until you have a successful claim. Our attorneys will diligently investigate your case to prove liability and maximize your payout. Call or contact us today so we can get started with a strategy for your case.