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Should I Seek Medical Care After an Accident If I Don’t Feel Injured?

February 23, 2024 TiffanneeB

After being involved in an accident, many individuals face the dilemma of whether to seek medical care, especially when they don’t feel injured. However, the shock and adrenaline immediately following an incident can often mask pain or injuries, making them not immediately apparent. It’s crucial to understand the importance of seeking medical attention as soon as possible after an accident for both health and legal reasons. For legal help with a car accident claim, contact our firm today.

Reasons To Seek Medical Care After an Accident Even If You Don't Feel Injured

Health Reasons to Seek Medical Care Even if You Don’t Feel Injured

There are multiple health-related reasons why it’s essential to seek medical attention even when you don’t immediately feel injured following an accident.

Delayed Symptom Onset: Certain types of injuries may not display immediate symptoms such as concussions, whiplash, or trauma impacting your internal organs. A medical professional may be able to identify injuries that have occurred but aren’t yet symptomatic.

Adrenaline and Shock Effects: The rush of adrenaline your body releases due to the shock or stress of an accident can sometimes mask pain, making it seem as though you haven’t been injured at all. This numbing effect can shield you from the immediate realization of any harm inflicted upon you during the accident. 

A healthcare provider can evaluate you, running various tests to identify any injuries that are obscured by the adrenaline rush.

Legal Reasons to Seek Medical Care Even if You Don’t Feel Injured

Obtaining medical attention immediately after an accident is not only crucial for your health, but it also significantly impacts any potential legal claims you may have. Here’s why it’s so important:

Documenting a Direct Link: Seeking medical attention can help establish evidence of injuries caused directly by the accident, which is critical when pursuing personal injury claims. These records stand as evidence of your physical condition right after the event and highlight any injuries related to it, which may exist even if you’re not yet fully aware of them.

Preventing Hidden Injuries From Worsening: If you choose not to receive medical attention and you end up with injuries that worsen over time, this could be used by insurance companies or defense attorneys as leverage during negotiations or a trial.

They will likely argue that your own negligence in failing to seek immediate treatment made your condition worse, making you partially responsible for the severity of your injuries. This would reduce the amount you receive as compensation.

Other Important Steps To Take After an Accident 

Efficiently managing the aftermath of an accident involves more than just obtaining immediate medical attention. Several other steps can help to safeguard your health and potential legal claims, including:

Document all medical treatments and costs: Consistently maintaining a thorough record of any medical treatment received following the accident is valuable when trying to establish a credible claim. Document your diagnosis, prescribed medication or therapies, as well as their associated costs.

Follow your doctor’s advice and keep follow-up appointments: This demonstrates that you’re taking your medical condition seriously. If you don’t do what your doctor says and don’t go to follow-up appointments, the insurance company will argue that you aren’t actually that injured and aren’t entitled to compensation.

Reach out to a personal injury attorney: Consulting a personal injury attorney is crucial as they can help you with your claim by compiling the evidence, establishing liability, and making sure that deadlines are met for filing legal claims. 

Navigating the aftermath of an accident can be overwhelming, but prioritizing your health and following these guidelines can positively influence both your recovery and any potential legal claims. If you need help, don’t hesitate to contact us today to schedule a free consultation.